Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Picture: Rosicky "laugh" At Larsson Free-Kick

As Sky showed the replays of Sebastian Larsson's wonderful free-kick goal against Arsenal over and over again from various different, high definition camera angles, one angle showed an image of the Arsenal midfielder Tomas Rosicky, with his back to the net, knowingly walking away from the goal. He knew Sunderland had scored, and he didn't want to turn around to witness them celebrate the goal.

However, questions were immediately asked of the 31 year-old's reaction to Arsenal's conceded goal on Sunday. Some even thought he was laughing at the incident, but Rosicky has moved to clear his name from criticism, saying:

"I was laughing? That's not laughter because when he took the ball immediately I was thinking about when Rooney scored at Old Trafford. That wasn't a laugh – it was a desperate laugh that such a screamer would be scored again."
Asked if he thought the ball was goal bound as soon as the Swedish and former Arsenal midfielder, Larsson hit it, he said:

"Yeah, exactly. I don't have to turn around. When I see his face and he is celebrating, why should I? Anyone who thinks I would laugh at that... it is very disappointing. For people to take it that way is unbelievable."
His team mates who were stood in the wall may have not had the same reaction, as they swivelled swiftly on their heels to watch the ball curl beautifully into the top corner, but Rosicky's desire and ambition is not in doubt. After a difficult start to the season for all involved in Arsenal, the Czech international is positive for the future:

"It was a very difficult start for us but the season is very long and I don’t feel it is impossible for us [to finish in the top four]. Every game is very difficult and you have to fight hard. The season is long and there are so many points to play for."

"Arsenal is a great club that always has to play for the top four. Even if we started badly, it must still be our aim."

View the original article here

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