Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wenger intends to spend

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has moved to ease fans' concerns about the club's spending plans, by insisting the Gunners will be busy in the summer transfer market.

Wenger said: "We can't buy players for £50 million. Even if we try to strengthen our team and spend money if needed, that is a fact.

"The market will be hyperactive because everyone believes financial fair play will happen soon," Wenger said, referring to UEFA's plans to limit club spending.

"So we are quickly doing the last buying before the stores will be closed. And for the first time for a while, I will be very active, too."

Despite admitting he will be "very active", Wenger remains unonvinced that the squad needs a major overhaul.

"The club is in a healthy financial situation and we have got the basis of the team but we know we want to be stronger next year," Wenger told French television.

"The fans need to trust us because the club is in a strong position. I share their disappointment because a few weeks ago we were in a position to win the league and in the end we play for qualifying in the Champions League.

"Whether we deserve to come fourth or not, it is the points which count. The team has given a lot this year, we will be active and busy certainly and will try to make the right decisions. We have to take it on the chin and come back stronger next season."

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