Monday, May 9, 2011

Gareth Bale To Find Out The Extent Of Injury

Gareth Bale is set to find out whether he is facing a lengthy spell on the sidelines amid fears he suffered serious ankle ligament damage following a challenge from Charlie Adam during Saturday’s 1-1 draw with Blackpool.

The Welsh international winger left White Hart Lane on crutches with a protective boot around his left leg after the Blackpool captain went in hard on his ankle.

Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp blasted the Blackpool midfielder for the challenge but is hopeful that Bale could return for the club’s last two matches of the season against Liverpool and Birmingham.

Redknapp said : “It was a bad tackle. A few people said it was a nasty challenge,”.

“He will have a scan at the hospital. It could be ligament damage but it might not be so bad. It could only be twisted.”

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