Tuesday, May 17, 2011

McClaren not interested in West Ham vacancy

Steve McClaren

Former England manager Steve McClaren has ruled himself out of the running to become the new West Ham United manager following the departure of Avram Grant.

Grant was sacked after the club's relegation from the Premier League was confirmed with a 3-2 defeat at Wigan on Sunday and McClaren was reported to be top of the wanted list.

But McClaren, who has been our of work since being fired by Bundesliga side Wolfsburg in February, has revealed he is not interested in the vacant post at Upton Park.

"It is very flattering to be linked with a club of West Ham's size and historic stature, also one that has tremendous fans," McClaren said in a statement.

"However, at this moment in time I do not wish to be considered for the position. But I wish everybody at West Ham all the very best for the future."

Former Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill, sacked Newcastle boss Chris Hughton, ex-West Ham players Slaven Bilic and Paulo di Canio, and Sam Allardyce, who was sacked by Blackburn in December, have also been linked with the vacancy.

First-team coach Kevin Keen will take charge of the Hammer's for the final home match of the Premier League season against Sunderland on Sunday May 22.

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