Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bundesliga attendances break through 13million barrier

Bundesliga attendance figures are on course to pass the 13 million mark for the first time in the league's 48-year history.

Some 12,622,546 fans attended games at the league's 18 clubs after 33 rounds so far, with the final figure expected to hit a record 13.05 million.

The current record, from last season, stands at 12,990,967 fans, with an average of 42,454 per game. Average fan attendance could reach 42,655 this season.

Official numbers from the German football league are expected in around two weeks, after the clubs confirm their figures.

Borussia Dortmund regularly sold out its 80,720-capacity Signal Iduna Park on their way to the title, with an average attendance of 79,150.

Bayern Munich, with an average of 69,000, and Schalke with 61,320 are the next best-supported teams.

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