Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Maradona accepts Al Wasl post

Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona is set to become the manager of Al Wasl after the Dubai-based club confirmed they had reached an agreement with the Argentinian.

Maradona spent the weekend in the United Arab Emirates, where he met with Al Wasl club officials to agree a two-year contract.

''We have reached an agreement with Maradona and we will release details later,'' the club's vice-chairman Marwane Ben Bayatt said.

The 50-year-old attended a club training session on Saturday night after which the club revealed they expected to name their new boss ''in the next 24 hours''.

Earlier, Al Wasl chief executive Ashraf Ahmad Mohammad confirmed talks with Maradona had taken place.

''It is now left up to him to respond. But I think things will be clearer in the next few days,'' he told the Gulf News. ''We have made Maradona an offer and we are grateful to Shaikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Director, Dubai Executive Council, for his support.''

Al Wasl sit fourth in the UAE table and have been without a permanent manager since they sacked Brazilian Sergio Farias last month.

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