Wednesday, May 11, 2011

UK minister hints at England breakaway from FIFA

FIFA logoSports Minister Hugh Robertson has hinted that England could break away from FIFA if it does not address deal with allegations of corruption within the organisation.

Former Football Association chairman Lord Triesman claimed four FIFA members demanded "bribes" in exchange for backing England's failed 2018 World Cup bid.

"There is a desire to try and work and change FIFA from the inside," Robertson told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

"If FIFA proves unable to do that, then I would say all options are possible."

During a parliamentary inquiry into England's failure to win the vote to host the 2018 World Cup on Tuesday, Triesman alleged FIFA vice-president Jack Warner, Paraguayan Nicolas Leoz, Brazilian Ricardo Teixeira and Thai Worawi Makudi all asked for "bribes" in return for backing England's bid.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter has pledged to take action if any evidence of wrongdoing is presented to football's world governing body.

Robertson has urged FIFA to adopt greater transparency in its bidding process and conduct similar reforms to those taken by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) following the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics campaign scandal.

"The first thing is the allegations are brought to the attentions of FIFA and make sure that happens in concert with the FA," he said.

"We have to back that up with evidence and I would hope FIFA follow the example of the International Olympic Committee, who went through a similar process after Salt Lake City.

"There is nobody currently bidding for the 2018 Winter Olympics who doesn't believe their system is fair and transparent - FIFA needs to be in the same position."

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