Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Javier Pastore : It Will Be An Honour To Play For Real Madrid, Barcelona

Palermo midfielder Javier Pastore has admitted that love to move to either Barcelona or Real Madrid.

Speaking on his official website, the 21 year old Argentine international offered a detailed view on his future.

“There is still no formal offer of any of the clubs [Real Madrid and Barcelona], but it would be a huge honour, a dream, to play in either. They are the best teams in the world! But now I think only of Palermo. I am very well here,” Pastore said on

“They do not fight for having me. The press says, but for me there was no formal offer yet, so I cannot say. Also it is a great honour for me, or representatives of those clubs at some point have made positive comments about my game. It is the greatest of compliments.

“I’m fine in Palermo, very happy. Surely my turn to go will come at some point, but it’s not something I think about. For now this is my place, Palermo is a great club.”

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