Monday, March 28, 2011

Friedel : There Is No Revolt Against Gerard Houllier

Brad Friedel has played down talks of a player revolt against manager Gerard Houllier.

The Aston Villa goalkeeper and other members of the squad were reported to be unhappy at new rules allegedly brought in by Houllier, including the banning of mobile phones in the dressing room.

However the USA goalkeeper is adamant this is not the case and also claims the vast majority of rules set out for the players to adhere to have been in force for many years.

The American said: “There has been a set of rules here for as long as I have been at the club as there is at every club and probably most, if not all, work environments.

“The suggestion that I am in revolt – or any player is in revolt – over new rules is laughable.

“There are no new rules of any substance that I am aware of and the vast majority of what is in the rule book was agreed years ago.”

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