Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blatter urges Brazil to speed up 2014 preparations

Sepp Blatter

FIFA President Sepp Blatter urged Brazil to speed up preparations for the 2014 World Cup.

Blatter said Brazil lagged behind where South Africa stood when the 2010 host fell behind with its construction schedule.

“I must say that in comparison with the state of play between South Africa and Brazil three years before the World Cup, Brazil is behind South Africa. It's a fact,” Blatter told reporters.

Referring to how little time remained before the 2014 finals, Blatter said “it's tomorrow. The Brazilians think it's just the day after tomorrow. What they shall do is to give a little bit more speed now in the organization.”

Blatter said the slow progress meant Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo could be omitted from the program for the 2013 Confederations Cup, which is designed as a dress rehearsal for the 2014 finals.

“The World Cup stadiums are still in the process of being discussed between the city mayors and the state governors,” he said.

Speaking at a Swiss government-backed media event, Blatter expressed optimism that a proven goal-line technology system would be in place in Brazil.

Blatter also promised FIFA would have a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and bad behavior on and off the field.

He outlined a new project for the FIFA Congress on June 1, where he's hoping to win election for a fourth four-year term.

“I will present something very special there but I will not now disclose what is the content,” Blatter said. “It's to fight corruption, all cheating and discrimination.

“We also want to appeal to players, coaches, referees to behave on the field of play,” he said, adding that illegal betting and match-fixing would be addressed.

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