Thursday, July 7, 2011


Spanish Football Club MALAGA is turning out to be the big spender this summer in terms of signings putting the usual big buyers like Real Madrid , FC Barcelona, Atletico de Madrid, Valencia CF ...etc on a second & third level. Malaga was bought last season by Arab Sheik & multi - millionaire Abdullah Al Thani who saw initially how his newly acquired Club went through some terrible moments close to the relegation zone & saving its LIGA position in the last few rounds with an experience that one imagines he does not wish to go through again next season. This is why the Sheik is pouring in the "petrol dollars" with multiple signings already like Sergio Sánchez, Toulalan, Joaquín, Buonanotte, Monreal, Van Nistelrooy & Mathijsen, with WESLEY SNEIJDER now sounding out from Italy.

Spanish Football
Wesley Sneijder

Yes, you read it right. According to Italian sources which have been picked up by local Spanish Sports paper "AS", MALAGA is moving strings to get the Dutchman over for the next season. But the news goes further, Italian paper "La Reppublica" publishes that INTER MILAN
would look favourably with their "green-light" at a supposedly 35 - 40 M€ offer from Malaga. Being this the case, the final decision may well be up to WESLEY SNEIJDER who has reportedly interest from English Premier League Club Manchester United.

Said all this, one should take this news for what it is, a rumour at this stage with the need for further proof & more facts before one can really being to speculate about a possible return by Sneijder to Spanish Football.

What is beyond any doubt is that Malaga is going ahead with a very serious project & investing heavily to put themselves amongst the Spanish Football elite with European competition participation a prime objective. The list of other possible still to come signing candidates is long with Cazorla (Villareal) , Drogba (Chelsea FC) & Pastore (Palermo) all sounding as targets.

Stay tuned, Malaga is sending hard, signing strongly & rearming itself up a very serious & competitive squad for 2011-2012 season to give the big guns like Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Atletico, Valencia ...etc , a serious run from their money.

View the original article here

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