Saturday, July 9, 2011

Moratti Calls For Boycott Of The Pink Paper

Following the news that evidence of former Inter President Giacinto Facchetti involved in match-fixing back in 2006 was released, newspapers all in Italy have been all over the story. Many of them claiming that Inter should give their 2006 Scudetto back. One of these newspapers was La Gazzetta dello Sport, not only one of the most popular sport dailys, but one of the most popular newspapers in general.

Current Inter President Massimo Moratti came out, urging Nerazzurri’ fans to boycott the pink paper:

“I was accustomed to reading the pink newspaper, but now unfortunately I’ll have to stop because their attack was so determined, harsh and calculated that it would be bad taste for me to keep on suffering in this way. The Scudetto is almost secondary now – albeit a point we stand firm on. What was totally unexpected was the attack on someone who is no longer here and cannot defend himself”.

Saying Mr Facchetti “cannot defend himself” is a fair point, but it should not even be brought up. In a way Moratti is using it to cover himself up. Boycotting the paper will not hide the facts, Inter should be punished if the evidence is there. 

“I am ready to battle on for Inter and the fans, which is why the idea of abandoning this club or playing the victim never went through my mind. These are the best moments for Inter.”

This is only another way in which Moratti can tarnish his reputation further. Making outrageous claims such as this will only make the papers write more, even Inter fans will be embarrassed. 

However, this was not the end of the saga, Gazzetta dello Sport editor Andrea Monti has issued a response to Moratti:

“Every newspaper is written for people, including the president of Inter, and we are entitled to criticize him. What I have argued, and I confirm, is known: the FIGC would do well not to allocate the 2006 Scudetto. The rest is not my opinion. We have only chronicled the prosecutor’s reports which is simply an allegation and not a sentence. The last thing Italian football needs is a new contest between the newspapers and the protagonists, even worse, one in the courts”.

The main part being it’s an allegation, nothing has been set in stone. The FIGC have pulled out of big decisions such as this before. Moratti has made a huge mistake though, beacuse if the FIGC do not take action, the papers will. By lashing out at the media he has made a powerful enemy.

Monti wrote this in an editorial, also going on to say  “there has never officially been one line that has appeared that has insulted the memory of Giacinto Facchetti”. Which just goes to show you what little research Moratti actually did. I would be surprised if he actually read the paper.

View the original article here

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